The Witcher series turned it into the catalyst for an accidental love triangle. These were people who started to get an uncanny sense that their memories were not their own, and wound up at this mountaintop refuge above the fog. It grounds the character in a relatable pre-war world, not too different from ours. Cuts to the woman and a child sitting outside their home. He soon sells you on a spot into the local fallout shelter.Minutes later, you’re sprinting past the picket fences with your spouse and baby to take full advantage of your new purchase – leaving the same salesman languishing outside as the bombs drop.It’s a piece in perfect keeping with the grim irony of the Fallout universe, and a cracking bit of cinema from a studio with no reputation for scripted sequences. You can tell him, justifiably, to bog off and mind his own business. But it’s so specific, and so divergent from the character the player gradually builds themselves in the wasteland, that the dissonance becomes impossible to resolve.RPGs in the olden days had a hokey solution for this very problem: amnesia. It’s a Saturday morning in October. By doing so, they gave the Sole Survivor two personalities: one, a parent on a desperate hunt for answers. In Fallout 4, you might mimic the behaviour and perspective of somebody who’s suffered a terrible trauma and lost their child. It’s the stress experienced by the synths in Westworld’s park, who are beginning to wake up to two clashing realities. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream. What’s more, it made for a really great E3 presentation last year – one in which Todd Howard proclaimed that the world before the bombs was “one of the great things about Fallout”.Nonetheless, Fallout 4 was wrong to take us there in the intro. And it provides a backbone to the cross-Commonwealth main quest, arguably the best in Bethesda’s history. But for the RPGs that still promise an identity sculpted from scratch in the bathroom mirror, the least they could do is not put ideas in our heads. Their memories are bound to another place.Silly as the amnesia solution was, by the ‘00s, it was starting to get clever. But there’s really only one answer you can give truthfully: “The day the bombs fell”.It’s a neat bit of meta-commentary. The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. Made more subtle. It refers to a real cognitive phenomenon that sees people struggle to hold two conflicting beliefs in their head, and go to great lengths to resolve that conflict. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power. The intro begins on a beach in World War II as it follows a soldier running into artillery, then fades to a close up of a picture of the soldier being held by a woman. Their pasts don’t matter. You get up, shave, and answer the front door of your spotless model home. Ever wondered why Elder Scrolls protagonists are always prisoners given a ‘fresh start’? soldiers charging into battle during World War IIThe Sole Survivor's great-grandfather with his mother.The detonation of either Fat Man or Little Boy, the first nuclear weapons ever deployed in warUnited States government officials discuss strategies for a potential nuclear attackA nuclear-powered car cruising down a suburban streetBecause if my time in the army taught me one thing: it's that war, war never changes.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I mean, you’d know, wouldn’t you?

It’s wonderful that protagonists have become more elaborate, with ambitious parent-child stories and fixed-but-malleable personalities like Commander Shepard.

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