Accessories have more difficult enhancement rules and it can get very expensive. Renting weapons, armor, and storage space is another option for spending Contribution, for players that don't like crafting or world building.Beginners have until level 57 to freely test out their class and change skills. The Treant Spirit’s Accessory set is obtained by hunting in SW Calpheon.This is a nice armor set, but it’s not neccessary. Each new active ability, unlocked by spending skill points gained through questing, essentially unlocks a very simple combo. I got a green +10 and a blue one from the quest, which one should I enchant?Q: Now i use my awakening weapon all the time, do i still need my pre-awakening weapon?Q: Speaking of better gear, should i get a liverto or kzarka or offin to replace my green weapon?Q: Is it worth upgrading to Lemoria or Akums Armor?Q: I got all that done and now i want to transition to boss armor, what should i get first?Q: What boss offhand should I go for? Press the H key to see a breakdown of all the Knowledge to be gained. Witch’s Earring is a nice blue grade AP earring with 5 AP and 2 Accuracy.These quests are available for characters Lv. The Black Spirit quest, [To Level 50!] This will give you the basic game without any extras. 51 or higher. Many fishing rods have a skill level requirement. To gain more Contribution Points, finish as many You need to grab the first one in the chain before grabbing the others. The majority of Skill Points will be obtained via fighting monsters. Donkeys are adorable and so lovable, but harder to turn. Most people spend their Contribution on purchasing Nodes and building their "Worker Empire". Must be level 51+ and have completed the Calpheon Main quest line.Go to the Main tab of the Quest window (O) to find the quest section titled [Lv 51 Mediah] Dark Energy that Looms Over Mediah.The main Mediah quest line will eventually give you a piece of armor that is about the same as a PEN Naru armor piece.For this reason, you can hold off a bit on that PEN Naru armor piece and focus on other gear pieces, first.Obsidian Abyssal Weapons are obtained near the very end of the Mediah main quest line. The easiest Knowledge topic to complete is the Character type, in which you have to talk to the NPC to gain their Knowledge. sold on Central Market, but it will be hard for new players to get At the very least, you can sell these at the Marketplace for extra silver.Calpheon has a kill quest chain that will reward you with 3 Witch’s Earrings. with the PS4 version of BDO coming out recently this has been immensely useful xxMake a note in the mount section that you can call your horse out of the water by clicking Lmb on the mount Icon at top left of screen. The goal is DUO or TRI.Red Sand Crystal Ring is obtained after completing the Valencia Main quest line. The easiest hunting zone in Mediah (Naru Gear and most gear in BDO must be enhanced in order to help you as you progress in levels and enter more dangerous territories.Naru Gear is easier than any other gear to enhance. And it can be, if smashing things and setting enemies on fire in a gorgeous fantasy land is what you’re looking for. Do you like complexity or simple? The dim magical one you get for free is somewhat okay’ ish for the time being but immediately turns to shit if you upgrade it to the later stages (freed/roaring) as it only has 1 crystal slot then and lower accuracy. There’s a limit to how much energy you can save up, but the pool size can be expanded. Master has 30 They don’t have much bang for their buck, when compared to weapons.The Naru Accessory Set is very nice, even at base stats.Notice the nice boost to both AP and Accuracy. Conveniently, energy regenerates over time, at one every three minutes while you’re in the game, so you’re never far off having some to spend. Basic attacks and blocking are all mapped to single buttons, you double-tap movement keys to dodge, while special abilities usually require an extra input. However, there is what people call a "soft cap", where it gets to be nearly impossible to obtain a certain level. This will give you Naru Gear and all you need to enhance it.But, you will need more than just Naru gear for Valencia.As a new player, you can save some silver by obtaining the gear set below. represents the drying process. Gearing in this game is a bit different than what you might be familiar with from other games.In this game, basic gear has no level requirement (except awakening, 56) and rather low looking stats. levels and the highest rank of Guru has 50 levels.We see color grades reflected in Life Skill levels:You can read Life Skill summaries below. Negative Karma occurs when you "flag up" and keep killing players that aren't flagged for PVP (that don't have a red name) and your Karma points sink below 0.Negative Karma players will be attacked by NPC guards, except in the criminal's town inside Valencia.

Kill a type of enemy enough times and you’ll get an advantage over them, like being able to see their health bar.Having a gab with an NPC not only fleshes out the world more effectively than the main quests, townsfolk also offer up hints or mention new areas that are worth exploring, which is particularly helpful when you’re on the lookout for new nodes for your burgeoning trade empire or places to gather up resources.Professions are handy to have whether you’re gathering resources and crafting items to sell or looking to kit your adventurer out with new weapons and armour. For the time being it can be better to use a green one (Altinova Arms vendor sells them for silver so they are easy to repair) and enchant that to +15/pri/duo or tri at most. Levelling up training will let you horse’s skills level up faster, skills like smashing faces with its hooves. ).For example: when enchanting green gear to +15, you might end up with a failstack of 15-20, it’s better to switch character, because the stack is too valuable for green gear of that enchant level.There are various guides out there on how to failstack properly, i won’t go deeper into it here.Gear is divided into white, green, blue and yellow quality.

This profession takes time to level up, but helps boost your character's power in many ways.The Shai class is the only class that begins with Professional 1 Alchemy.

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