However, the main focus to reduce the attack bar of the Male form boss.GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TOA ADVENTURES! She has unlimited provoking with Mav on your team due to her last cool down skills.

Also deacreases the Attack Bar by 15% with 50% chance. (Reusable in 4 turns)

Belladeon; Bernard; Shannon +1 Support (I highly recommend Darion) Veromos, the Dark Ifrit. Arena (6/10): Belladeon is a great nemesis healer for Arena defense. debuffing Rakan so other units can stun or Def break him. Very good monster, A MUST HAVE for every player and the best 3* monster in the game along with Bernard. View guides, stats and rune recommendations for Light Inugami Belladeon. All runes/stats can be found above.Make sure the towers on the right is low or the tower will grant the boss a turn.

Get Belladeon Get Veromos ... Guard, Revenge, Endure, and Shield Rune DOTS – damage over time, a status effect that deals 5% damage per turn GB10 – Giant’s Keep 10F, aka giant boss 10, your ticket for getting the best Energy, Swift, Fatal, Blade, and Despair runes Gz – grats, short for congrats. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. !Yes, it´s frustrating to find a Bella SD.

However, this is a lot easier than it seems.If you are struggling with Juno and Anavel, this team would destroy the room quickly. Please see the above for stats/runes.Mav can provide provoke and reduction of cool down on your units to allow more damage. hi guys i want ask something. Baretta DOES NOT NEED TO BE 6 STAR or skilled up to complete ToA 100.Despair Broken Set (Aim for SPD on the off-set of Baretta)Sigmarus’ post buff allows him to have an AoE freeze unit. Mav is there to enable Sigmarus/Spectra for more damage and allow Belladeon to heal more often. Dungeons: Raoq’s a great monster for speed NB10 teams. However, Bernard brings extra debuffs such as attack and defense debuff.

Get as many SPEED as you can, make him tanky and do not forget to give him some ACCURACY, 25% at least, cause if not it would be hard to get Def Break with the first skill.

Senior Member. If Artamiel’s bandwagon all revenge on the first turn then your loss will be likely.Unlike ToaH, Artamiel is much more squishy and I highly recommend focusing him rather than killing his minions. Bella as your defense debuff unit and healer. Standard Build should be SPD/HP/HP Violent/Revenge, but I´m using SPD/HP/DEF instead.

I recommend using Verdehile over Bernard but it is naturally more convenient to use Bernard as you are not at the DB10 stage yet.15k+ HP (I recommend having more HP for higher stages because 15k HP can die quite fast)220+ SPD (This may affect your GB10 turn order as I mentioned you should have Bernard last on your team)A high recommendation of a 2nd fusion as she does very well in Guild Wars/Siege/Labyrinth and even HoH rooms. Join Date: Jul 2014; Posts: 551; Share Tweet #7. (Reusable in 4 turns) Spectra brings utility and heavy damage to … A monster with 15,000 HP will have its bar reach the end since that's the maximum among all monsters. That's the Belladeon that you can take anywhere. Bella, as he is often referred to, is farmable through collecting pieces for his summon in the Secret Dungeon discoverable by completing the Light Dungeon available on sundays Light Inugami Belladeonis a Summoners War Sky … Accuracy should generally be at 45% to ensure optimal chances of inflicting debuffs.

Additionally, he is convenient because he is already in your GB10 team.However, you may want to add some accuracy to increase Sigmarus’ chances of freezing enemies.Belladeon will enable Sigmarus’ damage and provide heals for the critical situation.

However, if you have any the following units: Verad, Poseidon, and Charlotte, please use these units instead of Colleen. You're aiming for at least 20k HP, 1k DEF and as much speed as you can get. Veteran. whoever finds him does not add people!!

Her 3rd skills go so well together with BellaI can't find dungeon!!! Post Cancel. The best way to do that is by using Very easy to skill up, just farm for inugami drop in Faimon Volcano and Garen Forest.On sunday, the day of the Hall of LIght, try to do more run as possible even in low floors but you have to be very lucky to find him all by yourself, so always keep an eye on the available secret dungeons in the chat room, then when someone finds it, ask him or her to add you (very politely), by simply type that you need it and you'll be grateful for some help.
Saw a G2 belladeon with > 35k HP and 200spd and it was really annoying I'm extremely happy with these stats, he's tanky enough to survive some hits and fast enough to utilize his kit. Dimensional Hole (8/10): She is the best healer for the Karzhan Rune Dungeon and pretty good for the Awakening Dungeons as well. A common question for the early game players: when should I start ToA?Generally, I would say as soon as you can complete GB10 and you have farmed GB10 for several weeks then you should be focusing on completing ToA 100.Baretta as the staple unit for your damage dealing in ToA normal, he provides damage over time (DoT) with his third skill. After she splits, she will have 3 different forms: blue, red and green.Blue Form – Reduce damage from incoming damage (it is the exact passive from Diaz)Red Form – Counters and removes a beneficial effect. Mine is: 22.5K HP 1300 DEF 205 Speed.

More cycles means more chances of stuns and less likely to be hurt by enemy units.Similar to what Verdehile does but less consistently increasing attack speed bar as Bernard’s 3rd skill has a 3 turn cool down. Arena (6/10): Belladeon is a great nemesis healer for Arena defense. !I have a question, how do you skill the new awake bella?

Baretta can be obtained through scrolls/stones summoning or fusion (in most cases). •She is a good beginning-mid game monster for PvP.

Light Inugami Belladeonis a Summoners War Sky Arena Monster.
A turn can be lethal under tricky situations.

His second can push back the attack bar of the boss or the tower.

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