It also helps others understand the code. Property; all: 37.0: Not supported: 27.0: 9.1: 24.0: CSS Syntax. The CSS engine calculates which declarations apply to every single element of a page.While most values are relatively simple keywords or numeric values, there are some values which take the form of a function. Cascading Style Sheet or CSS is a style sheet language, which defines how an HTML page should be presented. It makes it easier to maintain and understand CSS.The next example shows the equivalent CSS  in a more compressed format. The individual pages might not yet fully resemble the page designs, but even in their “un-styled” form, they should look like they fit into the site. So here I’ll end up with a list of CSS documents a bit like this:To make this work, I add a helper class to either the body, or the main container of the HTML, for each page. The header on the homepage is larger? This is where I begin to think about what classes, what div structures and if I have any CSS from other projects I can port across to this new project.

And then next on the page might be the featured articles, so I’d style that.And then next might be the news listing, so I’d style that. BA1 1UA. It will also mean more CSS refactoring and the need to really communicate with the designers on the job. The