
<epsg:changeID xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:change-request:EPSG::2011.041" /> Am I missing something in the proj4text that would enable Post to make this transformation correctly?Yes -- you're right. <gmd:geographicElement> If you do not explicitly set one, your map is going to use our default which is the Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857).

Means is the EPSG original coords should be trasformed. Revision date: 2014-05-01.

Title Carte des véloroutes et voies vertes de France Organization AF3V Website https://www.af3v.org/ Projection EPSG:3857 Extent-829467, 5193204, 1468646, 6488310 Powered by EPSG database 9.8 It's really a question about transforming coordinates and proj4 definitions, not specifically one about OL.Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

L. Search Map Transform About. Share on: T Q. Transform Get position on a map. From MapTiler Team. Find a coordinate system and get position on a map.

<epsg:changeID xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:change-request:EPSG::2014.012" />

Back to the original question: OpenLayers is capable of dealing with most projections. <epsg:revisionDate>2014-05-01</epsg:revisionDate> <gml:metaDataProperty> <gco:Decimal>49.05</gco:Decimal> Spherical Mercator has an official designation of EPSG:3857. for the maps of the OpenStreetMap-project and commercial products such as Bing Maps or Google Maps. Search Map Transform About. <gco:Decimal>-124.79</gco:Decimal> ArcGIS 10 and all Web APIs are being designed to recognize EPSG 3857, ESRI WKID 102113, and ESRI WKID 102100 as equivalent. <epsg:show>true</epsg:show>

</gmd:description> </gmd:southBoundLatitude> The Proj4 definition is missing at Spatial Reference, but if I understand correctly you're saying I can generate from scratch, as in the example above, using the known parameters for the projection...?I was able to enable transformation by adding the following to the proj4text column in However, when I try to transform (with ST_Transform) points from another coordinate system that uses NAD27 (e.g., UTM Zone 12N, NAD27 -- EPSG: 26712), I wind up with the resulting points being offset about 50m to the east, and 4m to the North from where they should be. <gmd:southBoundLatitude>


<gml:name>USA - 126°W to 120°W onshore</gml:name> </gmd:northBoundLatitude> </epsg:CommonMetaData> When EPSG did assign a code, they used 3785, but later changed it to 3857. <gmd:description> Map Extents¶ We can also set the spatial extent of our map. Data source: OGP . To get more defs u can check them out in Thank you. Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) - this is the projection used by all the popular online mapping sites such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and Bing; World Mollweide - is an equal-area, pseudocylindrical map projection; MapServer URL: Map file path WGS84 (EPSG:4326) Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857) World Mollweide (ESRI:54009) 8.2. <gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> Information source: OGP. <epsg:geometryFile xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:extent-polygon:EPSG::3857" xlink:type="simple" /> Share on T Q. <gml:identifier codeSpace="OGP">urn:ogc:def:area:EPSG::3857</gml:identifier> </epsg:AreaOfUse></epsg:extent></epsg:ExtentDefinition> I'm trying to get the extent of a view, so that I can use it in a CQL filter to limit the requested data to the area currently shown in the map extent. To do this, I have to transform the extent into the source layer SRID coordinates, but I am getting an error when I try this. <epsg:CommonMetaData> Attributes. <epsg:ExtentDefinition xmlns:epsg="urn:x-ogp:spec:schema-xsd:EPSG:1.0:dataset" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" gml:id="epsg-area-3857"><gml:identifier codeSpace="OGP">urn:ogc:def:area:EPSG::3857</gml:identifier><epsg:extent><epsg:AreaOfUse> <epsg:changes>

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