Tradaphasia was awarded the Jury's prize at the 21st 'handicap trophy' of MNH: to mobilise and to act 2018.

Mina Lingo. It is part of the Volta–Niger branch of the major African Niger–Congo language family. As the national language in Togo, Kabiyé is promoted in national media and also used as an optional exam subject in the 9 and ten grades. Die wichtigsten Ethnien sind neben den Ewe noch die Kabre , die Mina und die Akebou. The town is a cultural stronghold itself, with a lagoon separating the older portion of town, near the chief’s palace on the beach side of the lagoon, from the newer part of town, East of the lagoon. These multi-generational folkloric groups serve as significant socio-economic networks for members and performance-based cultural archives serving a public function as well. Hello – Goodbye – See you tomorrow (Each greetings action is repeated once)Counting – Days of the week – Month of the year (Each instruction is given once, with 3 sound sequences of the series)A key – A glass – A watch – Glasses – A telephone – A comb – Scissors – A razor – An envelope – A pencil(The instruction is repeated once and the name of each object is also repeated once)Envelope-Key           Razor-Glass-Pencil             Telephone-Watch-Scissors-Comb-Glasses(The instruction is repeated once, the objects are presented in groups of 2, 3 and 5. How do you say Mina language (Togo)? Le premier appartient au groupe des langues Kwa, le second au groupe des langues Gur. GREETINGS Hello – Goodbye – See you tomorrow (Each greetings action is repeated once) 2. GREETINGS Hello – Goodbye – See you tomorrow (Each greetings action is repeated once) 2. This was the term used by the near-contemporary writer Abu al-Qasim Kasani, who had a pottery background. Besides, the Togolese have a French-modeled government structure. 66mb. Ge Gebe Gegbe Gen (ISO Language Name) Gengbe Gen-Gbe Guin Mina-Gen Popo Where Mina is spoken. Two indigenous languages were designated politically as national languages in 1975: Ewé (Ewe: Èʋegbe) and Kabiyé. DENOMINATION A key – A glass … Continuer la lecture de Mina language (Benin – Togo) → 560 likes. Es empfiehlt sich also vor Reisen nach Togo zumindest ein paar Brocken französisch zu lernen. It is spoken in the Maritime and Plateau areas of Kpalime, Notse, Atakpame, and Tsevie. Gen (also called Gɛ̃, Gɛn gbe, Gebe, Guin, Mina, Mina-Gen, and Popo) is a Gbe language spoken in the southeast of Togo in the Maritime Region. it also means "Mina", given name for Christian Copt males. The Gen-Mina language is spoken in Togo.

Both sides of town are full of large drum-based orchestra groups that can reach 100 members in extreme cases. The official language is French.Two indigenous languages were designated politically as national languages in 1975: Ewé (Ewe: Èʋegbe) and Kabiyé.. 1.

By 1999 about 23% of the population spoke Kabiyé. Britisch-Togoland entstand als Ergebnis der Aufteilung der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonie Togo im Gefolge des Ersten Weltkrieges.Ende August 1914, wenige Wochen nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges, hatten Frankreich und Großbritannien diese deutsche Kolonie besetzt, nachdem sie zuvor das Angebot des deutschen Gouverneurs abgelehnt hatten, Togo als neutrales Gebiet zu akzeptieren. The family concession serves as the home base for meetings, drum rehearsals, construction, or repair. Population: 201,000. It is just far enough from the side road, accessed only by a small footpath, with a spacious inner courtyard, and drums regally displayed under a large rain-shade canopy. Langue des Signes Française; Fulfulde, Borgu (auch: Peul, Fulbe, Fulani, Benin-Togo Fulfulde, Peulh), Dialekte: Atakora Fulfulde; Gen (auch: Ge, Gen-Gbe, Mina-Gen, Mina, Popo, Guin, Gebe), Dialekte: Anexo, Gliji, Agoi, Gen; Ginyanga (auch: Agnagan, Anyanga, Genyanga).

The two national languages tend to be used regionally: Ewé in the south from Lomé to Blitta, and Kabiye from Blitta to Dapaong in the north. To artist: Troupe Folklorique d’Aneho á Jesuvito; Troupe Folklorique d’Aneho á Jesuvito. The designation of each object is repeated once)Comb          Glasses          Pencil and envelope          Glass and scissors(The instruction is repeated once, the handling of the objects is repeated once)Tradaphasia was awarded the paramedic prize at the 22nd international conference of the French Neurovascular Society 2017. In total Togo has more than forty languages both imported and native languages. Here three women, two men and 6 kids sing songs to share a midday break in a place quite familiar to them, their home.In addition to the impressive musical talent present at young ages, the sheer volume of the lyrics that the youngest girls can follow is incredible. Today French is the official language. 1. Exposed and involved in all activities, their wonderful concession is surrounded by a small coconut grove. "Mina", another name of the Gen language (a Ghana/Togo language of the Gbe dialect cluster). Most people only notice the town as a drive by. Mina is the working language in Mobaa, Tem, and Fula. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet.

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