Put the 40-rounder banana clip on it and it looks even better LOL

I guess technically you could put the "grip" a little more forward. there are 3 variants for 74; the M, the N and the plain 74.

AKM is also meta because its stock and rails have way higher recoil negation. Looks like I'm switching now.

Piranha has lowest recoil build videos on his channel for most guns:

i doubt that u get the recoil of an ak 105  to  47.. can u show a screenshot of it? if you can handle your recoil which every one should practice then higher ergo can give you an advantage another geared player might not have. You can post now and register later.

With bp ammo you can run and gun, melt any one and easy one tap faces.

Some guns can look glitchy, especially short barrel weapons.

I initially only figured out they were there because it seemed unreasonable that some uncommon and expensive grips would have -2 at most while some really common and cheap grip gives you -12 (or, god forbid, -175 in case of the Magpul AFG). If you have an account,

Alright, I just got home and I tried to build an AK-104 according to the mods I find that might give the lowest recoil.

I guess technically you could put the "grip" a little more forward. The commas are easy to miss with the font and size the UI uses. The player equipped with this versatile weapon has a piece of mind knowing it can savagely beat their opponents and the AK-74N is no different in Escape From Tarkov.

thanks, can you mod one and let me know parts you used, with minimum vertical recoil you managed to get?

i doubt that u get the recoil of an ak 105  to  47.. can u show a screenshot of it?

That's because the raiders AK's aren't really "fully" modded.

the metta is lowest recoil but ak 105 and 104 will have better ergonomics rather than recoil.

Just would love to know if there is any other build that can get me better stats?

That's because the raiders AK's aren't really "fully" modded.

on ak 104/ak 105 be gr8?

I love it when someone is so confident of his "dominant" abilities that he can kill anyone coming his way and still thinks that taking a 12k/slot value gun that blocks 10 slots in his backpack is a high enough loot value whats the lowest recoil you're able to get from AK-105?

But you can pretty much mod every AK almost the same way, there's just a few here and there that change.

No Recoil for M4A1, AK74n and AKM Feel free to add new guns etc.

You can post now and register later. AK-74N Modding - Build your weapon from scratch, get a list of used attachments and where to buy them, plus the statistics of the weapon!

The cheats come with all features (ESP, Aimbot, etc.

Ditch the UVG for an RK-2. Ditch the UVG for an RK-2.

Macros/Scripts will give you an advantage over other players, macros reduce recoil, reduce spread, improving your accuracy and efficiency to kill game enemies with No Recoil , All the products are created with meticulous attention to accuracy, recoil control I love it when people have guns like that, more money for me after I kill them and take it to sell.

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