I think that kpop paved the way in the sense that previous kpop groups were profitable enough that it ensured the survival of kpop into the future. On June 28, Knetz opened a discussion on an online Korean community site, agreeing to ARMYs and other K-pop enthusiasts that BTS indeed paved the way for K-pop.Along with the post, the author also attached edited photos of BTS members, literally paving the way, while the title of the post says, Meanwhile, some of the facts and proofs that were laid down by the netizens to justify why they agree of BTS paving the way are:2. We were just excited to be able to FIND them and be able to BUY. They paved the way for Kpop. [Korea-old pop] Last night By SoBangCha in 1988 - … Instead, their stuck with doing covers of their producer’s songs, while calling it theirs. They are both gamechangers, but I can assure you that there is one thing they're not - I completely agree. In conclusion, BTS, despite debuting in 2013, and being a third-generation of K-pop had delivered a massive force within a short period of time for K-pop to be accepted widely by Western market, not to mention their popularity in other countries as well, form children to elders, may it be rural areas or from urban areas. I'm of the thought that GS actually hindered KPop's takeoff in the west, as everytime a person would find out I listened to kpop they would think it meant funny meme-like music and videos. But what about artists such as Super Junior, SS501, SNSD, Wonder Girls, Rain, 2ne1, Kara, SHINee, Infinite, Exo, B.A.P, Beast, and a few more... didn't they make a major contribution too? Does anyone remember the old days when finding English subtitles or translations to Korean songs was impossible? Every artist has been inspired and shaped by the artists who came before them. Fans were proud of how the band is leading the way for K-pop artists alike. First on the list is the 5-man boy band H.O.T. Other netizens in social media are also justifying that BTS did pave the way, as they were not only claiming this but other K-pop artists as well, and the Korean government already acknowledge this as a fact. Also, Korea's Culture Ministry said that BTS is providing a way forward to K-pop", following the success of their recent online concert. Well, here are seven legendary modern K-pop acts that have paved the way for future K-pop idols to come. We had some HUGE fights on our hands back in the day all over the place. We managed, but we worked really HARD to provide/get them.Also difficult was trying to get YouTube and other Western entities to take K-Pop even seriously. I'm just following the same line of reasoning...Every artists get inspiration from one another but we must realise each group is a separate entity from the previous ones. I could go on and on, but when you say that someone "paved the way," that means they started with "dirt" roads and actually "paved" them. All Rights Reserved.K-pop's success and popularity continue to expand throughout the globe, which, as a result, makes the industry not limited to Korean idols only. Lastly (I'm afraid it will get too long lol), I don't understand why some people are so bitter about the fact that BTS paved the way but have no problem discrediting BTS and say that the older generations are the ones who paved the way (not that I disagree with this, because yes, Seo Taiji did paved the way for Kpop). Also, BTS is the proprietor for albums to be legally distributed in the western market, leading the way for K-pop to be massively accepted in other countries (world rather) and give K-pop more exposure in the music industry. That's what "paved the way" literally means. © Copyright 2017 KpopStarz.com. On June 28, Knetz opened a discussion on an online Korean community site, agreeing to ARMYs and other K-pop enthusiasts that BTS indeed paved the way for K-pop. Because they paved the way for BlackPink. As someone who have been into kpop since early 2005, I find it funny seeing Vips critisizing armys for being arrogant when you Vips are no better taking all the credits to BIGBANG regarding the current Kpop popularity, when there's artists such as H.O.T, SechsKies,TVXQ, Shinhwa, BoA,... who are literally the ones who actually started the hallyu wave.Call me biased then but if Vips claim BIGBANG paved the way for BTS, pretty much Cassies are entitled to claim TVXQ paved the way for BIGBANG to begin with!

There would be no BTS without BIGBANG. Period. We didn't care HOW LONG it took to get them. The BTS Army spoke loudly on Twitter Thursday morning and claimed the group is "paving the way." We worked hard in so many ways--I just can't...
Why? Oh boy. Appearances in US broadcast and awarding ceremonyAccording to the South Korean President Moon Jae in, BTS serves as the "Leader of Korean culture." At one point, I remember contacting iTunes when they released a K-Pop album too soon, because they got the time zone wrong. The existence of training systems and producers willing to put together and debut kpop …

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