A lot of people are still saying BURMA in this comment thread.

In our English language it's called Burma - So here are two saxon words you might note f*** o** Rudyard Kipling was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, in British India to Alice Kipling (née MacDonald) and (John) Lockwood Kipling.

If one dips into the websites of a few prominent on-line booksellers they reveal about 30 works about Burma with their main titles drawn directly from Kipling’s poem. Has anybody ever wondered about the geographical descriptions in the poem (looking eastward/lazy to the sea; dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay) ?

Fuck him and his stupidity.
First collected in Kipling’s popular volume Barrack-Room Ballads, and Other Verses (1892), “Mandalay” evokes a nostalgic vision of an idealized (and exoticized) East Asian lover.

As we all do from time to time, I think Kipling was recalling his fondness for an early love and reminiscing, wishing he could go back and experience it all over again.

In fact, the ubiquity of the name was more likely due to the popularity of Daphne de Maurier’s 1938 novel During the colonial period, Burma never achieved quite the same status in the mind of the British public as Sax Rohmer’s ‘mysterious orient’, or Walter de la Mare’s ‘heart-beguiling Araby’, but it became an easily recognisable reference point, representing exotic places far away, full of mystery and promise. He was white, clear white inside or Fuzzy Wuzzy: You're a poor beknighted heathen... This change has particular significance given that Burmese is actually the majority ethnicity (and language) but the country actually has a huge number of ethnic minorities, some of whom are in open conflict with the Burmese dominated government or are being actively persecuted by them (such as the Rohingya) . Kipling was a racist and a bigot. A best-selling guide book states that the Pegu Club in Rangoon was where Kipling was inspired to write his famous poem ‘Mandalay’. It is stretching a point, but at one stage ‘Manderley’, believed by many to be a variant spelling of ‘Mandalay’, was reputed to be the most popular house name in the UK. As I lay back in the hay looking up at the stars I began to quote "Mandalay."

It seems to me that later in life, while in London, he was recalling this woman that he encountered - and I assume took as a lover during his earlier Burma days. It was more likely an incident in Moulmein that sparked Kipling’s muse, but this claim is repeated in a brochure produced by an organisation dedicated to preserving Rangoon’s marvellous but now sadly neglected colonial buildings. In her book I always find it impossible to say the name ‘Mandalay’ out loud without having at least a small flutter of excitement. There was at some point a time when Burma regained it's independence from Britain and that explains his remark that there were no more ships going back to Burma. For the wind is in the palmtrees, and the temple bells they say, "Come you back, you British soldier, Come you back to Mandalay," Come you back to Mandalay.

The brother who could speak English best began to softly translate for the people and to speak out in English and say what these things meant. Say it with me: Myanmar. But a rose is a rose by any name, and the simultaneous joy and pain of such memories are incredibly breath taking to us all.

An' there ain't no 'busses runnin' from the Bank to Mandalay; An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells: "If you've 'eard the East a-callin', you won't never 'eed naught else." By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' lazy at the sea,The header graphic is a photograph of Moulmein Harbour as viewed from the great Kyaikthanlan Pagoda in Burma, taken in the 1870's by Samuel Bourne (1832-1912).Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page • © by owner. The CityU paper is available here:The poem certainly Grips you, but the sad thing is that today’s mandalay has has Little left of the enchantment conjured up by kipling.…yes…sadly the fantasy of kipling’s mandalay do not match the sad rundown grand buildings of its former glory days….There was a prophecy before Mandalay fell to the industrial might and globalization onslaught of the British Empire – Happy days’ll be here again when the I took a boat tour on the Irrawaddy this spring and just happened on this essay.

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